Ahare Space Project

Ahare Space Project designs spaces with scent. :(=Scent Space design) We consider scent to be architecture itself.

The unique design of this project is to learn the situation, characteristics and context of the land and place, and create an experience constructed using scent. The elements of fragrance that enhance the environment and experience will touch your behavioral tag and become the key to access the inspiration in your own universe. We assume that the overlapping of communities in an invisible realm will create architecture that goes beyond preconceived notions.

  1. We hypothesize an invisible “architecture of scent” that has no territory and sets it as our purpose.
  2. We create narratives and concepts and then repeatebly create experomental spaces.
  3. It starts with learning and context of the space and then a thorough analysis to inform its future.
  4. Communicate by means of Fregrants, a source of ideas.
  5. We create a apace and experience that is humorous, intellectually stimulating, and provides new discoveries.
  6. Througn olfaction we can create a unique image and philosophy for your brand.